Sperm donor to pay child support

posted under by megaroticp
A man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple is being made to pay maintenance by the Child Support Agency (CSA).

Andy Bathie, 37, from Enfield, north London, claims he was assured by the couple he would have no personal or financial involvement for the children.

He donated his sperm as a friend rather than go through a fertility clinic.

The CSA said only anonymous donors at licensed centres are exempt from being treated as the legal father of a child born as a result of their donation.

Mr Bathie, a firefighter, said he cannot afford to have children with his own wife due to the financial implications.

Shock, anger and despair

The lesbian couple, who approached the couple five years ago after they married in a civil ceremony, have a boy and a girl.

Mr Bathie said he reacted with "shock, anger and despair", when he was contacted by the CSA in November.

He said: "I don't have any particular ill will. It's the fact that I still even now don't see why I should have to pay for another couple's children."

A spokesman for Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) said: "The law says that men donating sperm through licensed fertility clinics are not the legal father of any child born through that donation.

"Men giving out their sperm in any other way - such as via internet arrangements - are legally the father of any children born with all the responsibilities that carries."

This story scared the hell outta me, i just hope all the sperm i 'donated' was 'fruitless'.

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